And so my nest begins to empty…

And so my nest begins to empty… January 5, 2016

Mixture of emotions this morning as we will be taking my eldest daughter Tamasin Warnock to the airport later today for her to go to South Africa as a volunteer for six months! I am obviously a bit sad as we will miss her, and this is really our first experience of the nest beginning to empty. Of course she is part of the boomerang generation so I fully expect her to come back home afterwards!

But I am massively proud of my eldest daughter. This project is something Tamasin found, applied for, and she has spent the last few months earning money to support herself. It is a wonderful thing to have a daughter who cares so much about the orphans of Africa that she actually wants to go and make a difference. 

This brief video does a great job of introducing us to the amazing project that she will be a part of. Praying that God will go with her and give her a fantastic and safe time, and that she will find that it really is more blessed to give than to receive. We cannot out-give God, and I know that she will learn and benefit so much from this experience.

I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him Philippians 3:9

Today I lose my daughter for just a few months. Everything we earn, everyone we know is transient. But knowing Jesus is eternal. He can be relied on. He is our great prize, our great treasure. Paul understood this, and so cared only about this great Goal. This is why he could say to die is gain.

How futile are the things this world teaches us to hunger for. How weak at times is my passion for Jesus. Please teach me Lord to value knowing you above all else.

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