The One who spoke peace to the storm now speaks peace to you. (Mark 4:39)

The One who spoke peace to the storm now speaks peace to you. (Mark 4:39) January 12, 2016

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“And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.”‭‭ (Mark‬ ‭4:39).‬
READ more at Bible Gateway.

There are different kinds of sleep. Jesus’ sleep was birthed in total confidence his Father was watching over the universe as he slumbered. Sleeping in the back of a boat as it is nearly overwhelmed by wind and waves is remarkable. No wonder there was a note of irritation in the disciples voices as they woke him saying “don’t you care?”

Many of us go through phases where it seems God is asleep. He is so far from us we almost forget what his sweet presence was like. The dove has gone. Sometimes this is because of our sin. Other times it’s because of his sovereignty.

But  today I have good news for you. Jesus is waking up in your life today just as he did in that boat, actually he never really slept. He is speaking to YOU this very day. And his word is simply this: “peace!”

Peace to broken marriages. Peace to ruptured friendships. Peace to difficult work situations. Peace between you and that awkward or estranged family member. Peace in your troubled mind. Peace to your fears. Peace to your anger. Peace to any trace of doubt.
He loves you always. And although he often withdraws the sense of his presence, the truth is he has promised he will actually never leave you or forsake you.

Please pray peace for me today as I pray peace for you.

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