Don’t read the Puritans, read Spurgeon!

Don’t read the Puritans, read Spurgeon! February 15, 2013

This post was a guest post about Spurgeon, surprisingly enough given my current interest in him over at Desiring God’s fabulous blog. If you don’t read that blog already, I urge you to do so.

I must confess to having slightly overstated my point in the title of this post. I rejoice in the recent resurgence of interest in the Puritans, who have so much to teach us. Perhaps a better way to capture the thought propelling this post would be “Use Spurgeon to Create a Bridge to the World of the Puritans.” But that would make too long a title!

. . . many a student will pick up a Puritan work and struggle with the language. In contrast, Spurgeon spoke in such an earthy way that he is both easy to read and compelling in our times. Especially if you are new at reading old books, I urge you to read Spurgeon first, because there you will find the Puritans distilled. . .  READ THE REST


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