Don't Neglect The Resurrection

Don't Neglect The Resurrection October 28, 2009

You will forgive me, I am sure, if I am somewhat preoccupied this week with the subject of the resurrection. In a way, every Christian should always be just as preoccupied as I am today with that subject. I loved what Henry Christoph Jr had to say on the Raised With Christ Facebook page:

There is nothing more important than the Resurrection, Adrian, but the Christian church today just is not acting as though that were the case. I pray that the Lord will use your book to help turn that situation around. I look forward to reading it when it is available.

Another commenter, Steve Oroszi, wrote in a similar vein:

Thanks for reminding me about the absolute necessity for the resurrection. Merrill C. Tenney wrote about the importance of the resurrection for the Christian’s life way back in 1963, which points to the fact that “there really aren’t that many books out there on this subject;” that surprised you . . .and you’re right. Blessings on your effort.

It is so encouraging to me that these two people have grasped so firmly the importance of reigniting this subject for the Church today. I trust that my book will play some role in accomplishing just that for others.

I would ask you to join me in praying that God himself will use many means to wake us all up to the centrality of the resurrection of Jesus, and to all its implications for us today. The publisher page for Raised With Christ: How The Resurrection Changes Everything says the following about it, which also captures well the sense of purpose behind my book:

What impact should Jesus’ resurrection have on individuals and churches? Popular Christian blogger and teacher Adrian Warnock urges Christians not to neglect the implications of the resurrection.

Jesus truly is alive today. But compared to his atoning death, Jesus’ resurrection sparks relatively little discussion in the church. Inadvertently, we can become so focused on the good news that Christ died for our sins that we almost forget he was “raised for our justification” (Romans 4:25).

In Raised with Christ, author Adrian Warnock exhorts Christians not to neglect the resurrection in their teaching and experience. Warnock takes his cue from Acts, where every recorded sermon focuses on Jesus’ resurrection. He stresses that Christians who faithfully proclaim both the death and the bodily resurrection of Jesus, and live out the implications of that message in vibrant, grace-filled churches, will be enabled to reach a world that lives in death’s dark shadow.

The power of the risen Christ is active in every true Christian, transforming our lives. Raised with Christ will help you discover afresh the massive implications of the empty tomb. Jesus’ resurrection really has changed everything.

But, please don’t wait for my book to come out. There are other books on this subject that you can already read. There are also some great Christian albums that include many resurrection songs, for example:

I thought I would share a few books with you today. You may notice at first glance that some are not wholly on the subject of resurrection. I have included these because I have quoted from them in Raised With Christ and they are incredibly helpful books. Visit the Amazon bookstore.

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