You Should Care About Politics – Make The Cross Count

You Should Care About Politics – Make The Cross Count February 20, 2010

I intend to blog a bit about the UK’s election over the next weeks. I am more interested than usual about this one. Perhaps this is partly because a friend of mine is standing. But, it is also a critical election for us because of the state of the nation’s finances, among other things.  Some of my American Christian readers would just assume that we would all support the conservative party without a moment’s thought. Our politics is not as simple as that. I will try and explain things a bit in some future posts.

Today I would like to lay out perhaps the opposite challenge than I would in the USA.  I get the feeling that some American Christians may be too involved in politics.  In contrast, I believe that most UK Christians are clearly not involved enough!

We must not simply sit back and abdicate our responsibilities in this important area.  Following Jesus means that we should care about the issues of politics. We should be grateful that we live in a democracy.  We must exercise our right, or rather our duty, to vote in a way that brings glory to his name.

CARE has put together a website,  Make The Cross Count, designed to help us to do just that.

The site includes the following:
  1. A hustings guide: This guide contains everything you need to know to organize a successful public meeting to question candidates in your local constituency.
  2. My Manifesto Project: Christian leaders and thinkers explain what policy issues they would like to see in a party manifesto.
  3. Faith and politics Bible studies: A resource for individuals or small groups.
  4. Policy papers: Researched and written by CARE’s public affairs team, these provide an overview of key policy areas and help Christians think through the issues.

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