August 30, 2003

No proof mental illness rooted in biology There is loads of evidence of biological casuality of some mental illnesses. I have seen too many peoples lives improved by medication to want to go down this line! Read more

August 29, 2003

BBC NEWS | Politics | Alastair Campbell quits: “Alastair Campbell quits” Will this be the start of a new era now the man who gagged Bair on God is leacing? Read more

August 29, 2003

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | MP wants Islamist 9/11 ‘conference’ banned: “Al-Muhajiroun, whose stated aim is for Britain to become an Islamic state, is publicising an ‘Islamic conference’ to be held on the second anniversary of the attacks. At the event, ‘Muslims worldwide will again be watching replays of the collapse of the twin towers, praying to Allah to grant those magnificent 19 paradise,’ according to a press release on its website.” Read more

August 29, 2003

We all quote from sermons from time to time but not the whole thing! And beware your congregation may be able to read the sermon on the internet as they did for this D.C. pastor who �borrowed� sermons: “The trail of �borrowed� sermons now stretches back at least a year and a half. ” Mind you I remember once thinking I had originally came up with a series of headings for a talk, only to read them almost word for... Read more

August 29, 2003

We all quote from sermons from time to time but not the whole thing! And beware your congregation may be able to read the sermon on the internet as they did for this D.C. pastor who borrowed sermons: “The trail of borrowed sermons now stretches back at least a year and a half. ” Mind you I remember once thinking I had originally came up with a series of headings for a talk, only to read them almost word for... Read more

August 28, 2003

My son has a simple faith in Jesus which stands out. The other day he suddenly said to my wife ‘Last time I asked Jesus to give me something, he didn’t do it- but I still believe in him you know’ Out of the mouths of babes and infants! Read more

August 27, 2003

Easy Josh, easy!!! – Flirting Read more

August 27, 2003

Over at Reverend Mike’s House of Homiletic Hash It seems I have caused a stir! “Josh Claybourn, the ‘Potentate of Holy Punditry,’ took the opportunity to welcome a new blog to the arena, written by Dr. Adrian Warnock. However, Josh tipped his hand when he noted that Adrian had referred to him as ‘the King of Christian blogs’ in one post. The following exchange ensued in his Comments section: Puh-leez. I called Pejman a ‘wild boar loose in the Lord’s... Read more

August 26, 2003

Thought I’d weigh into this one over here Joshua Claybourn’s argues “The beauty of the free market, as most of my readers know, is that in order to maximize your own self-interest, you must first aim to maximize another’s. In order to make money for myself, I must provide a valuable good or service to the rest of society (or some portion of it). So in effect the whole edifice isn’t really built on selfishness, it’s built upon service to... Read more

August 26, 2003

Memory is a deceptive thing…….. Telegraph | Connected | Volunteers at fake seance ‘remembered’ seeing table levitate: “In an experiment, up to a third of people who attended a fake seance later ‘remembered’ seeing a table levitate – even though infra-red cameras recorded that it remained grounded to the floor” Read more

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