The Cartomancer: Coping or Cutting?

The Cartomancer: Coping or Cutting? November 23, 2016

Ever since the US election, I’ve been witnessing people going heavily through an emotional train.

What’s up with all the emotions? Do emotions ever solve anything? They don’t. The sole function emotions have is to keep us busy desiring.

What do we all desire? Peace on earth, prosperity, and happiness for all. Fair enough.

The trouble with emotions is that it addresses the question of how we cope when we don’t get what we desire. How do we cope with the misery of this election, many ask, anticipating the worst disasters under the Trump administration. These disasters may well come to pass, as Trump is not fit to lead anything, let alone a country.

But the question of how we cope offers little in terms of what we can do to maintain our position, to stand on the dot, and deliver fresh ideas instead of lamentations. Fresh ideas are not about coping, with coping feeding our emotional field. Fresh ideas are about cutting, cutting our feeling sorry for ourselves.

I asked the cards:

How can I cut it out, all this emotion about a government I don’t like?

three cards placed on a table near a candle, a stone, and a decorative animal skull
Marseille Tarot as reconstructed by Pablo Robledo (Photo: Camelia Elias)

The cards said: 6 Cups, 5 Cups, 3 Swords

It’s not about liking or disliking your government. You don’t take trips of pleasure with your national administration. If you think you do, cut it out. Governmental administrations are there to serve their own interests, not yours.

All that talk about democracy is just talk. I like what Argentinian writer Jorge Louis Borges says: ‘Democracy is an abuse of statistics.’ Right. What he says with this is that we should get on with our program and see what’s what. Let ourselves be governed by awareness of what is happening, not emotion, so we can act accordingly and in the moment.

I also asked the cards:

Who has the strongest voice right now? Who can inspire us to fresh ideas?

a different set of three cards placed next to the same stone, candle, and skull
Marseille Tarot as reconstructed by Pablo Robledo (Photo: Camelia Elias)

The cards said: The Star, 2 Coins, Ace of Coins.

Women have the strongest voice right now. Naked women. What women must do is focus. Solidify their acts of giving, and think in terms of a unified idea. Bonds imply division: ‘This is mine and that is mine too.’ Let us leave this rhetoric to Trump and all those who yell, ‘hail fascism, because, you know, fascism takes care of what is mine.’ Like hell.

I don’t have a habit of getting into politics at all, unless it makes me identify dangerous syndromes. Trump suffers from this syndrome: IT’S MINE. ‘The name is mine, the country is mine, the money is mine, even the nasty woman is mine.’

I say, what the nasty woman – ok, make it naked woman in this context – has to do is step up and ask this question of herself and others: ‘What is the purpose of your identifications? Do they have any substance? Does anything have any substance? Does anything Trump says and does and identifies with have any substance?’

I say, get naked, and work towards an idea that unifies. Make unification your platform. You do that, you do more than coping. You cut out the rhetoric targeting division, and in the process you realize that your actions are not informed by emotion and all the beliefs that emotion desires to settle.

Coping makes you climb mountains. Cutting releases you from the belief that if only you could climb that mountain, you would be fine. Coping makes promises. Cutting reveals the truth. There is truth in awareness, and none in coping. Coping is just tagging alone, with your ears bleeding. Coping is surviving through tears and resistance. Cutting is acceptance. Saying: ‘I accept this shit’, and then acting towards change involves fresh transformations that are devoid of resentment and lamentation.

Let your star guide you, and be transparent in your actions. You will do more than coping if you opened yourself up to seeing things as they are. You will ride on a round magic carpet towards oneness.

As a countdown to the Winter solstice, I will run again a series of my popular Tarot Prompts, beginning on December 1. The focus this time is on action beyond just coping. Registration is open. Hop on board.

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