Living the Liminal: Staying the Magickal Course

Living the Liminal: Staying the Magickal Course March 27, 2020

When life throws crisis at us, it can turn our lives upside down. Personally I have found myself feeling my own emotions and those of others as I strive to move through all of the changes we are facing. As Witches, we can rely on our magickal skills to support us.

Of course the challenge is when we can’t seem to get out of our own way. If I can offer even one tip to get started on these, it’s to set small, attainable goals for adding to your practice. I like to think of it as a personal challenge, and that each little piece I can do is a successful start to my day. (It’s also the reason that right after morning devotional, I make my bed.) I know others who have had good success with setting the challenge with sticker rewards (it might sound silly but pretty stickers are a good incentive). I will say that in times of crisis, I have personally found maintaining a magickal practice to be exceptionally hard, but worth it. Do what you can and go easy on yourselves.

Today I want to offer to you two simple daily practices to anchor yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. May you all find yourselves well, and may you reach out for support when needed. If you were to do these, they would take less than 15 minutes total, and are worth every precious second.

© Can Stock Photo / evgenyatamanenko. Morning caffeine practice sets an intentional tone for your day. Photo purchased by author.

Morning Grounding and Centering Practice

Inspired by my Four Adorations work, when you first arise and are sitting at the side of your bed. Before you rush to your bathrooms, before you grab your phones. Grab a moment of time to embrace the sacred.

Take three breaths. One for the middle soul, one for the lower soul, and one for the higher soul. Feel your light within your spirit glowing brighter as you awaken, like the sun coming up on the horizon.

Say aloud or to yourself:

I arise in the morning like the dawn,
My souls travelling the realm of dreams,
My breath is my gift to myself.
I welcome my breath into my soul,
At the rising of the dawn in the east.

Sit and breathe three times again, feeling each breath go through you to all three souls, offering integration. Once centered, feel your roots extend down into the earth, keeping you connected to the world around us. Begin your day when ready.

Daily Divination Practice

If you don’t already have a daily divination practice, I encourage you to begin one. It doesn’t need to be complex, and you can do it with any divination system (apps included). You can do this immediately following the above exercise or at any point of your day that makes sense for you.

Take a breath and hold your divination system in your hands. Connect to it, and to the spirits you work with for divination. If you don’t have specific spirits for this, connect to your higher self, and ask for your ancestors (of the craft or your own blood ancestors) to help guide you. When you feel ready, ask a simple question about what guidance you might need for the day.

Sit with this divinatory response, write it into your journal, and come back to it at the end of your day. Was it worthwhile information, or related to something unexpected?

(c) Lisa Jade 2020. My personal divination space for morning practice.

Bonus Practice: Journalling

If there’s one practice that I have personally struggled with over the years but see immense value in, it’s journalling. This can be done in so many ways, and it doesn’t need to be all that involved, but writing (either as a personal journal of what your day was like, or a magickal journal, or something in between) can be a healing practice to further ground your energies before going to sleep. In practice this means that you can have a better dreamtime experience. Set a time limit for yourself of 10 minutes at most. Start with smaller time limits if you need to. And write about whatever you like. If you need ideas, pick a random blog from here on Patheos Pagan, and read it, then write your own thoughts down about it.


Want more time with Jade? Book a tarot reading or natal chart interpretation with her!

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About Lisa Jade
Lisa Jade is a Witch, Activist, Psychic, Astrologer, Mother, and Writer living in rural Nova Scotia, Canada. She is an initiate in the Temple of Witchcraft, and a graduate of the Mystery School (year 4). She is the owner and writer at Living The Liminal: Modern Witchcraft Musings. You can read more about the author here.

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