This morning I sang to my sourdough starter. I will sometimes sing to my plants. I’m not a good singer, but I do it anyway. For me, singing and music have always been a way to transport myself to another place, or to bring myself back into harmony. When I’m stressed or frazzled, the right music can help me to re-center more easily than anything else. When I’m grumpy or angry, some good upbeat music can help me to shake the negativity off.
Music helps to bring people together – at a concert, in a club, at a concert, or just listening to the same songs. Music is an expression of the spirit of creation, of creativity, and it helps us to come together, to see the spirit of something bigger than ourselves. Music and song connect us all.
The song that I sing to my plants is the song of life. It is the song of Awen, the song of the Universe. I learned the song from Kristoffer Hughes of the Angsley Druid Order and I have been singing it ever since.
The song of Awen connects us to that spirit, that force that connects us all. Awen is that force that brings us creativity, that allows us flexibility and inspiration, that helps us to utilize the force of life. The song of Awen is only one song. We all sing, or hum when we are children. Some of us continue to sing, others don’t. But we should all sing – even if we are totally tone deaf!
Singing is magic, and connection, and inspiration. As we sing we take deep breaths, we activate sounds that change how we feel, and it connects us to each other. As we sing the song of Awen, we breathe. As we breathe, we connect to each other. We are all breathing the same air – no matter where we are in the world, our air is connected.
One day, hopefully soon, we’ll be able to sing in groups again. But, for now, my plants and my partner will be the only ones who hear me sing.