Full Frontal Magic: Magic is a Full-Contact Experimental Sport

Full Frontal Magic: Magic is a Full-Contact Experimental Sport April 17, 2016

two men fighting in a mixed-martial arts battle
skeeze / pixabay.com

So I got suckered convinced into buying a $300 occult-y kit of magic goodness. “Primal. Hot. Ancient.” Being a salesman, I have to say it was great marketing, which I should use as well. I bought it. Did it have some juice? Yes. Could I do better myself? Absolutely.

Everywhere you look nowadays, someone is selling something to make your magic “better”. The finest wand of oak, hand made daggers of cold wrought iron, courses about anything, hand stitched-leather books. In fact, I have a few items for sale as well, such as my shapeshifting course. My course is primal, transformative and “will change your life”. In all seriousness, I work hard to make the best product I can.

I offer solidly crafted products. Many of the people I have purchased (or have been gifted by) also offer very high quality goods, books and services.


a digital image of a hand pointing its index finger out of the screen
ClkerFreeVectorImages / pixabay.com

These products are missing one ESSENTIAL ingredient. EVERY SINGLE ONE of those occult classes and kits, even mine, are missing this key ingredient.


Even when you buy talismans that cost thousands of dollars, the effectiveness and thus real value depends largely on YOU. No amount of appeals to ancient secrets, no amount of elitism, no amount of salesmanship makes any of it worthwhile, if YOU are not

Every metaphysical or occult “secret” is in some form out there on the internet or in books somewhere. The real “secret” to this is that transformation only occurs through the immersive experience within those systems through your investment of time and interaction. No amount of book knowledge is the same as experiential knowledge and no amount of book knowledge will prepare you for the experience of any spiritual, supernatural or transformative event. At some point, even if the experience is purely spiritual as opposed to results-based, you have to experience it and more than that, allow the experience to consume you, transform form and rebirth you.

Certainly, I can create talismans of great power for you and many legitimate magicians and priest(ess) can also create things for you, but if you are unwilling to allow a magical or spiritual item transform you, you will not be able to get results. Time after time, with 20 years of experience, I have seen people have problems with talismans, idols, or religious artifacts because they do not allow themselves to connect to the spiritual or magical power. The results or transformations are not possible without “experiencing” it firsthand and that means letting in your head and allowing it to become part of you. Yes, that means personal VULNERABILITY, TRUST, and TRANSFORMATION.

Empower the runes? You have to live them. Connect with ancestors? You have to live it. Tremendous transformation with Ganesh or Yoga? Again, you have to actually live it. Only when you actually LIVE the magic will these god forms, talismans and or techniques have power for you.

You have to invest YOU in the process, and that process will destroy you (small ‘y’ intended). Ultimately, when you try to change your world via magic, self-help, or even just reach out to touch the divine, you will be a different you. Even contact with a “divine” archetype should be transformative. Some eastern systems might call this “ego”, but I prefer ego attachment more then ego.

a table with various models and model supplies arranged on it
stormbringerser / pixabay.com

One problem we all run into with spirituality is that we are coming from a highly commoditized culture of mass production. Buy an iPhone, it just works. Computer, just works. Car, it just works. If the car breaks, someone will fix it. If the iPhone breaks, you get another iPhone. Magic, even the magic you can buy, never works that way.

The first question you should ask yourself before buying anything or even before performing a ritual is “Am I ready to have a transformative experience?” Even working with Jungian archetypes can and should be a transformative experience once you get deep enough to stop the conscious chatter of thought. Honestly, a ‘yes’ answer to this question is probably the first secret, and successful start, of all esoteric transformations. Of course, you can get talismans, you can get ‘XYZ’ and some will work, but those only get you so far. YOU are the lever point which invests and “becomes”, or doesn’t.

The experience and internalization of the system is the doorway to the real transformative “power” within the system, talisman, or book. Sure, people will argue that they have the most secret and awesome system, but really the internalization and the ability to project intention through the system that becomes the most important part of the process. A system, talisman, training, or book is only worth the time and effort you put into it. Of course, marketing might make all kinds of pitches, but these pitches often fall under the “you are special” or “be elite” umbrellas. Elitism is not a real power either magically or spiritually. You have to do the work, even if you are getting a head start with a pre-bought talisman.

ClkerFreeVectorImages / pixabay.com
ClkerFreeVectorImages / pixabay.com

Even if a magican, priest(ess) or shaman correctly created something and spirits imbue a talisman, you still have to acclimate to those energies. Even if a system is The Most Awesome System of Spirituality Ever Devised™, it still has to be internalized. There are no shortcuts. You must integrate with the new energies or symbols sets regardless of how much you paid.

In addition to any money paid to the crafter, your dues for any talisman, magic, or technique always deal with the acceptance of change. Success in magic or any spiritual pursuit changes you. It changes your environment, mind, body and forces you to adapt. Many businesses do sell products, and I bet many times the information and products are awesome. These materials are still only as useful as the time, energy and interaction you put into them. Unfortunately, that includes my materials as well, but I will certainly JOIN you in experiential learning, if you invest YOU.

That always means time. Time spent working the system. Time spent integrating to the system. Time spent to get into the system. Time spent to get used to and integrate a talisman.

Time spent to make magic a contact sport, where the magic can touch and interact with all facets of your life.

YOU will always be the missing element and the most important piece. Spend the time. Really dive in. Dig deep. YOU ARE WORTH IT!

[Author’s Note:  Originally posted on my blog, http://magicblog.andriehvitimus.com.]

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