June 27, 2018

What happens in Crone Temple stays in Crone Temple, but what happens as a result of a week of intense personal reflection and radical openness to change is wildly unbound, opulently untrammeled. Read more

June 18, 2018

Midsummer is one of the times of year – and there are several – where the fairy folk tend to be more active. Unlike other times this increased activity is generally more benevolent, although what the Good People consider benevolent and what we would describe that way may not be entirely similar concepts. Read more

June 13, 2018

Was the end of paganism the result of a “natural death” or a purge? Reflections on Bart Ehrman’s "Rise of Christianity: How a Forbidden Religion Swept the World." Read more

June 8, 2018

The Saturn Return is a crossroads. If we live long enough, we get three of them. Some of us get one. Some of us get none. The first Saturn Return happens around age 28. The second is the late 50s and the third the late 80s! Read more

June 5, 2018

Hekate was with me last year when I went to the Pagan Spirit Gathering, and She will be with me next week as well when I return there. Read more

June 3, 2018

I was told Greeks don’t get to define Hellenism, they laughed at the idea. If Greeks are not allowed to define Hellenism, who does? Maybe you don’t understand what Hellenism actually is. Read more

June 3, 2018

You would think in this day and age, with all the knowledge that is available at our fingertips, people would educate themselves more on ideas, beliefs, and cultures around the world. Read more

June 3, 2018

Acceptability politics and gatekeeping are not doing witchcraft any favors. I strongly believe that rather than trying to get the mainstream to accept us for something we aren't we should work on accepting each other more for what and who we are. Read more

May 31, 2018

So what goes into making a handfasting cord anyways? Also, what does one need to expect during the process? Read more

May 29, 2018

No matter who we are, we all have some issues we need to address and work through. I found that after surgery, I have an easier time than before. Read more

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