December 18, 2016

You do not need to be stressed about the holidays. No, really, you don’t, but just saying that isn’t going to stop it. Read more

December 16, 2016

Pull together some ginger, cinnamon, a little clove, some nutmeg, cardamom and allspice; this one flavor probably means "Yuletide" more than any other taste of the holidays. Read more

December 14, 2016

How is wealth created? When some pretend and hide, what is left in paying it forward? Read more

December 13, 2016

Universal Reformation has been a goal throughout Western esoteric history: for Renaissance magi, for Rosicrucians, and today in the Universal Brotherhood. Read more

December 12, 2016

I’m an opportunist and my days have magical themes. Today it was: local landscape, wormwood and wine. Read more

December 10, 2016

Winter is the season of the Dark Goddess and Her rebirth magic. Here are four transformational lessons to guide your rebirth magic of healing and personal growth that can make your life anew. Read more

December 9, 2016

Freyr is married to the jotun maiden Gerd, but do you know how or why. It’s a shocking story, but a good one to know. Read more

December 8, 2016

Not so long ago, Yule was as much a chilling season of Ghosts, Monsters, Imps, and Uglies as it was a festival of goodwill. Read more

December 7, 2016

Since the show Westworld stole my main analogy for mysticism, I thought I’d share the analogy that came to me while in devotional practice.  It is important to distinguish between a maze and a labyrinth when comparing my analogy to the TV show:  a maze has dead ends while a labyrinth does not. In the show, the “maze” was an allegory for artificial intelligence, and the artificial humans who got to the center of the maze, fully traversed the process... Read more

December 6, 2016

I asked myself what value witchcraft has at times like these, when the rubber is hitting the road and even the illusion of safety is crumbling. Read more

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