January 17, 2017

I’m offering some good old fashioned (and easy to do) protection charms, with a modern twist. Read more

January 14, 2017

The Mysteries have a New Year’s message in these times: Be Here Now. Change is coming, deep, fast and bumpy, and the stakes have never been higher. Read more

January 13, 2017

If I have lost my connection to my gods—or if I just feel I’ve lost that connection—it may not be They who've walked away; it could be the other way around. Read more

January 12, 2017

There’s nothing like coming face to face with the smell of a dungeon and the torture devices that were used in the past to extract a confession of Witchcraft. Read more

January 11, 2017

Your imagination rules over your distinctions, but the inverse is also the case: your distinctions rule over your imagination. Read more

January 10, 2017

Nicholas Laccetti reflects on the history of occult interpretations of the Papacy, and what the office of the Pope could mean for esotericism today. Read more

January 9, 2017

Many witches are feeling uncertainty for what the new year will hold. I'd like to suggest some resolutions to build a strong magical foundation for it. Read more

January 6, 2017

As if turning the page on the calendar could make a difference, my gratitude that 2016 was over was a weight removed. I eagerly looked ahead to 2017. Read more

January 4, 2017

Enlightenment isn't a goal, it's just a tool. Unfortunately, most people who consume content on mysticism aren't getting the truth. Read more

January 3, 2017

New Year's resolutions make me think of oaths. Either way, people witness your words, but one's only a personal statement and the other is a formal promise. Read more

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