Cork Board – March 27

Cork Board – March 27 March 27, 2021

Liz Schleicher

Willow trees are greening, robins are mating, and the Worm Moon is waxing full this weekend. Here on our little patch of earth, shoots of cilantro, lettuce, peas, spinach and radishes are springing forth from the ground. It rains every other day, and it is as wet as wet can get. Our yard has become a marsh where the spring peepers play. When you walk through the grass and listen close, under the song of the frogs you can hear the crackling, sucking sound of living mud.

Lady Day is behind us. Holy Week lies ahead. Let us press on!

“Let us know, let us press on to know the Lordhis appearing is as sure as the dawn; he will come to us like the showers, like the spring rains that water the earth.” -Hosea 6:3

As the Midwestern planting seasons fast approaches, this week’s news and notes is all about farmers:
Farmers Cooperative Exchange Photograph Collection, State Archives of North Carolina, Flickr: The Commons
  • It Shouldn’t Cost the Farm to Fix a Tractor, Kevin O’Reilly, Wall Street Journal, via The Farmer’s Bookshelf (@1947Farmall) on Twitter: Do small farmers have a right to fix their own equipment? How much value do you get from a machine you can’t affordably repair? Mr. O’Reilly, an advocate with the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, interviews farmers from Missouri and Minnesota.
Farm Security Administration Collection, New York Public Library, Flickr: The Commons
Unknown Artist c. 1420, Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain
  • Annunciation or Lady DayThe Old Farmer’s Almanac: There is farming lore for every feast day. The almanac keeps me up to speed on the farm chores and even the flower proper to every notable celebration on the Christian calendar.






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