Live, Love, Pilates

Live, Love, Pilates August 1, 2013

“Contrology develops the body uniformly, corrects wrong postures, restores physical vitality, invigorates the mind, and elevates the spirit.”

Joseph Pilates


Last week the family and I decided to join a gym. I have always felt quite motivated at a gym rather than purchasing a piece of exercise equipment that ends up being something very expensive I use to hang my clothes on.  We each have different motivations, but there are motivations there nonetheless.

After we spoke to the salesperson, he sat us down with a personal trainer who put us through some humiliating numbers and then a 25 minute workout that left me wondering if I could get a refund. We decided to forego purchasing a personal trainer package. It may be worth it, but it was expensive and well, I have a problem with authoritative figures telling me to give them ‘one more set’, plus I have my son – Coach Connor – who is quite capable of pushing me and he is free.

For the first few days we perused the gym’s equipment; ran on the treadmill, biked on their stationary bikes and swam in the pool. Last night the kids and I left Chuck at home and ran to do a quick work out when we saw that there was a Pilates class starting, so we decided to join in, but not knowing what to expect.

Grabbing mats and a goofy ring with pads on either side, we sat down and waited for the teacher to begin. I wasn’t dressed in great workout clothes, as I was just going to run on the treadmill for 20 minutes, and had done just that before plopping myself down on the wooden floor, in a room surrounded by mirrors that made me look like a 500 lb hippo even with the lights turned off. No, really. I think they put the fun house mirrors in there on purpose. We waited, but not long enough before Micaela, Connor and I could reconsider.

The instructor introduced herself and we began stretches, rolling our shoulders, sitting straight and taking deep breathes in and out in a meditative way. For a brief moment I thought that this was perfect, until the warm-up began and within seven minutes in to the class I was beginning to wonder what excuse I could make to leave. But then thought of how guilty I would feel for abandoning the kids. Connor wasn’t struggling at all (we all hate him), but I could hear Micaela groaning, and that made me feel better (sorry Micaela). I had to have some exercises modified as according to Micaela, I looked like a rollie pollie bug that couldn’t get up. It was true – I did. That or a turtle who was turned on her shell. No matter the imagery, it wasn’t pretty and I wondered if the teacher was laughing at me too. I know that I was laughing at me. She was professional, so I doubt she was, but maybe inside. Thirty minutes in I began to feel muscles in my thighs, abs, and gluts that I don’t think I have felt in probably twenty years.

The class ended and she invited us to the Zumba class afterwards. She only laughed when I gave her my dirtiest look. As we walked out, sweaty and rubbery feeling, I wondered if I could even get into the car to drive home. But after a shower and looking at the many bruises that I ended up with (no idea how that happened except for maybe the rollie pollie incidences), I decided that I liked the class. And yes, I might do Zumba after next week’s session.


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