You Can Do ANYTHING, But Not EVERYTHING December 31, 2014

Every year at this time we are inundated with “Be a New You for the New Year” messages on television and radio. When the calendar switches to the new year life doesn’t magically shift, only we can shift it. And it doesn’t have happen at the beginning of a new year either, every day is a new beginning that offers us new opportunities, if we so choose.

I have a tradition where on NYE I look back over my new moon wishes and my full moon soul work that I wrote out for the entire year. I look at changes, gains, losses and areas of improvement for both my personal life and my business. This year (for me) I saw many losses. Many that I loved crossed over to the Other Side. The television show I filmed wasn’t picked up. Book sales were down. I witnessed a lot of ruthless and crazy behavior from people, and I allowed it to consume me. I looked over my wishes for 2014 and for a brief moment I only saw that which I didn’t receive, but then realized that all of the changes, the losses and the mishaps was like the Tarot Card DEATH. We can focus on it being negative, but the other side of the coin includes new beginnings, opportunities and edits. Not everything I wrote down on my wish list is something I wish for anymore. The saying, be careful what you wish for is quite true!

So whether you make goals or set intentions for the next year, I thought I would share mine (13 is my favorite number so I always choose 13!).

 2015 MANTRA

 1. Believe that anything is possible.

2. Start each day with goals.

3. Start AND end each day with gratitude.

4. Eat real food.

5. Drink more water.

6. Exercise for at least 15 minutes each day, even if I don’t want to.

7. Purge the unnecessary.

8. Find the best in everyone.

9. Show others the best in me.

10. Have more fun and less fear.

11. Stay grounded and centered.

12. Forgive more.

13. Start doing what feels right for me instead of what is out of obligation.

Whatever your dream for 2015 is know that it isn’t always outside factors that are causing your life to go down that dead-end street; it is you that is driving that way. If you didn’t find your romantic partner in 2014, then maybe you weren’t in the right vibrational alignment with yourself that could then attract the right partner. The same can be said for job, money, and even health.

So, what is stopping you? Are you afraid of what will happen if you put it in reverse and go down a strange street? Are you afraid of the work, or are you afraid that all your dreams can and will come true? Get on the ride called life, strap yourself in and make the changes that create your best life ever!

Happy New Year!

I believe in YOU,


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