Spring Solstice and a Full Moon

Spring Solstice and a Full Moon March 20, 2016
This Spring Solstice makes it a fabulous time to look at how you want your life to move forward. Just like the blossoms under the frost, your wishes are hidden but can soon be uncovered too.
Wednesday we welcome a FULL MOON lunar eclipse in the sign of Libra. Eclipses can change our course and the way we see things, purging that which no longer work for us, and bringing new beginnings we might not have known we were looking for. Full Moons act as a mirror to your soul. It is as if all the emotional junk that you thought you buried in the attic and the basement and thrown in your emotional trunk has resurfaced. Those that have already done the emotional work will find Full Moons easy and comfortable. But those still hiding from themselves and their past might feel emotional and sad. Crazy weather patterns three days beforehand and three days afterwards and are often affected by the moon signs, full and new. You can expect that emotions and moods will swing like a pendulum, quicker and harder, and be more raw than normal – both good and bad. Sometimes you aren’t even aware that there is still sludge leftover from the past until a Full Moon arises and makes you look. Maybe you were avoiding on purpose or maybe you became so used to avoiding, no matter, this is a wonderful time for you to clean out the emotional soul clutter and de-junk.
This is a great time for you to look over your New Moon wishes and re-affirm what you want, and throw away what you don’t!
This week is a good time to smudge and Wednesday you will want to re-charge your crystals.
Kristy Robinett
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