December Oracle

December Oracle December 1, 2017

We all have intuition and sometimes we need a little guidance. Oracle cards are a great way to receive a message from your angels and guides. The backs of the cards are all the same (from the Mermaid and Dolphin deck by Doreen Virtue), but the front will have a special message from your angel/guide. Ready to choose a card? By using your intuition choose the {first} card that most speaks to you – 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. This is what you may need to work on into 2018.

decemberoracleWhich card speaks to you?



Play_timeIf you chose Card #1 – Play Time! – “The dolphins know the importance of playing, as joy creates miracles and manifestations”. This card says that you are working too hard on whatever you are hoping to achieve, and in some way by doing this you’ve lost focus on this. I would more or less say that this card indicates that you have got yourself so engrosses in what you are doing that you have become in a rut. It would almost seem that you are lacking inspiration and enthusiasm for this, as you may be putting too much pressure on yourself. Take the time out to unwind, have some fun and to be a bit silly. By doing this you will find the enthusiasm again and you will be rejuvenated. If you can spend time having fun and being silly outside that would be even better, as you will be getting the fresh air and what you need from the sunshine (Vitamin D). Also, by playing and being silly outside you can also enjoy the beauty of nature, which will help to inspire you. Playing is a magical form of meditation, as it opens your heart chakra and allows your creative spirit to tap into Divine wisdom.
selfIf you chose card #2 – SELF EMPLOYMENT: You’re a born entrepreneur and your business is surrounded by magical opportunities. There are opportunities surrounding you, but you might be too afraid to pursue them. Now is the time to know that you have it within you. If it isn’t starting a new business or project, it could be a promotion or opportunity that comes up soon that helps you feel more secure – not just with finances, but also with life fulfillment. 
You have the drive, discipline, and desire to be your own boss. This card also shows that you have the magical ingredients for a successful business. Heaven wants you to know that you’re fully supported spiritually. As long as you stay enthusiastic, new opportunities will come to you. Your positive energy attracts customers, clients, and contracts.If you’re in the process of opening a new business, now is the time to do spiritual work (praying, meditating, visualizing, and affirming); to conduct research about your business; and to work on yourself (by eating healthfully, getting sufficient sleep, and exercising regularly). These multiple layers of action will propel you to miraculous business opportunities.

mermaid_cards_page_81_0If you chose card #3 – Waves of Prosperity – New abundance and exciting opportunities wash over you now. What does prosperity mean to you? By definition prosperity is the state of flourishing, thriving, good fortune and/or successful social status. Prosperity often encompasses wealth but also includes others factors which are independent of wealth to varying degrees, such as happiness and health. 
New waves of abundance are sweeping over you right now. Observe any ideas that enter your mind at this time, as they may be seeds of a profitable new venture. Also notice any out-of-the-blue phone calls or “chance” meetings with people who could help you. This card also means that you’re on a success streak.

This is an excellent time to begin new ventures (of course, follow your inner guidance and do appropriate research). You’ll see that doors open easily for you, and that you’re filled with extra confidence and enthusiasm. Practice being a grateful recipient of good. Know that there’s an ocean of abundance, with no danger that it will dry up.

As we can see by the definition, prosperity is more than just about money but about magic created within our life. Let go of the fear and allow yourself to open up and receive.
worthinessIf you chose card #4 – WORTHINESS – Know that deserve good in all ways. Fear is preventing you from receiving what you want out of life. It is time to set down your own boundaries and blockages. You’ve been blocking your manifestations due to deep-seated beliefs that you don’t deserve them. Manifestations aren’t rewards for good behavior – they’re effects of your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions. when you allow yourself to receive, you help with your own life plan. 
You’ve been blocking your manifestations due to deep-seated beliefs that you don’t deserve them. Manifestations aren’t rewards for good behavior—they’re effects of your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions. When you allow yourself to receive, you help with God’s plan to demonstrate love everywhere.

Accepting Heaven’s help isn’t just about you personally; it’s about allowing yourself to be helped so that you can help others. Accept good graciously, and affirm: “Thank you for gifts that have come to me now. I gratefully accept them for the good of all.”

mermaid_cards_page_69_0If you chose card #5 –  SYNCHRONICITY – Your prayers and questions are being answered by synchronistic events. Notice them in order to increase their flow.” As a result of all your prayers and manifestation work, you’re now attracting synchronistic events. Those “chance meetings,” information that you just “happen” to receive, and other synchronicity are really answered prayers.

By drawing this card, Heaven calls your attention to the synchronicity and serendipity happening in your life. The more you notice these magical events, the more they’ll occur for you. Even better, write them down in a journal as a way to stimulate more synchronicity in your life.

You may already know that there are no coincidental or accidental occurrences. This card reflects your recent focus on positive thoughts, which are being directed toward your desires. Like a magical energy beam that can influence physical objects, your optimism and faith are reshaping your life into a masterpiece that reflects your higher self.
These are from Doreen Virtue’s Magical Mermaid and Dolphin Oracle Deck.
{Note that I am unable to answer question with regards to why you chose the card you did. To book an appointment, visit}

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