Snow Moon – The Meaning of Your Life

Snow Moon – The Meaning of Your Life February 19, 2019

We welcome in the Super Moon in Virgo, on the cusp of Pisces season on February 19th. This energy is set up to be even more emotional than typical full moons. You’ll likely be spending the next couple days wondering what is truly meaningful in your life – people, things, and even ideas.

Don’t we hold on to what isn’t healthy for us and then go back to it over and over and wonder why we are upset? And it makes us sad, but our life is supposed to be more about finding our happy.  Marie Kondo’s philosophy came out several years ago and has re-emerged as a television. show. Marie Kondo called The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. I did this in 2015 and re-did it recently. Some of the information seemed silly to me and I admit that I didn’t do the whole talking to my clothes and telling my house that I was home, but it works.

  • Get rid of all the extra stuff in your house. Now go back and REALLY get rid of all the junk you don’t need. It will feel great.
  • Put stuff back where it goes when you are done using it. (Something my mom taught me from the beginning of time).
  • Treat your clothing and items respectfully. Fold clothes neatly and put them in your drawer in an orderly fashion. You will be able to do this because you won’t have a bunch of extra stuff jamming up your drawers.
  • With clothes in particular, the book suggests taking every piece of clothing and piling it up and then looking every single piece of your clothing and asking if it brings you joy.

All that stuff in your life is taking up space for what you want in your life. It might be physical stuff, but it’s emotionally stifling. Although the thorn has been in your foot for so long you’ve gotten used to it; it doesn’t mean that it’s healthy. You deserve to have a nourished and fulfilled soul.

So…what makes you happy? Now write down what you are doing every single day. And compare. It is then that you find the right way to nourish your soul. Embrace the snow moon. She wants to help you be the best you can be.

Kristy Robinett

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