December 24, 2015

Christmas Eve of last year a little girl with a big but damaged heart took her last breathe on this earth. Incidentally her name was Eve and she was only 7 years old with the wisdom of a 97 years old. Her mom called her bossy and demanding from her first cry and wasn’t surprised when Eve demanded that her mom and dad, her sister and her brother sit at her bedside so that she could say her goodbye; her... Read more

December 11, 2015

As we enter the final NEW MOON phase for 2015 (Friday, December 11th @ 5:29 AM ET), it’s a good time to prepare for what we can learn from the SAGITTARIUS moon. Note that it isn’t time to make your wishes or do your abundance check, it’s simply time to look at ways in your life that you can make changes, and how you might be able to start again with new beginnings so that you can improve your life. New... Read more

December 11, 2015

You can’t go anywhere and not hear Adele’s newest song, “Hello”. I was meditating one day when the song came on a station and I actually listened while in my ‘zen’ state. Although it’s believed the premise of the song is of a past love that has since moved on, possibly across country, that’s not what I heard. Hello from the other side I must have called a thousand times To tell you I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done But when... Read more

December 3, 2015

We all have intuition. Every single one of us. It doesn’t mean that you have to hang up a flashy ‘Psychic’ sign on your office door, but you can if you want. Intuition comes from within us, around us and from past experiences. It is supposed to teach us what to do and where to go and who to trust even if you don’t have the complete road map in front of you. It is that turn-by-turn direction that we... Read more

November 26, 2015

I woke up to my phone dinging around midnight, only to answer and have them hang up. Instead of getting upset, I thought myself grateful as it wasn’t an emergency call from or about one of my kids or family members. So I took the opportunity to turn on the Christmas tree lights and ponder. Life is rarely calm, is it? Ten years ago my mom crossed over, which set off a domino effect of me becoming ill and then my husband,... Read more

November 25, 2015

At 5:44 PM today, November 25th, we welcome in he Full Moon, although many have felt the emotional effects over the past few days. This November moon is also known as the Mourning Moon and so don’t be surprised if you are missing your loved ones who aren’t here – both in physical and in geographical location. Even those who aren’t emotional and sensitive (criers) may feel extra weepy and he upcoming holiday certainly emphasizes on that. This FULL MOON... Read more

November 23, 2015

We all have intuition and we all are being guided, whether we listen or not is another story. Below are 5 Oracle cards from Doreen Virtue & Brian Weiss called Past Life Oracle. Take a couple deep breathes and ask your guides and your angels what it is that you need to know. Then choose a number.     What card did you choose? . . CARD #1 – FORGIVENESS: The situation you’re inquiring about will be healed or improved... Read more

November 18, 2015

“How will Santa bring presents? There isn’t a fireplace,” my six year old son asked looking around the tiny duplex, his gray eyes sad and scared. It wasn’t just about Christmas and Santa, but about the transition as a whole. “I think he has a key,” Micaela, his older sister, answered, looking at me for confirmation. “Yes, a key,” I sighed. “Santa has a master key to all the houses and apartments that don’t have a fireplace.” I tried to... Read more

November 13, 2015

Today is my birthday. Yep, I was born on the 13th of November, but not only that, I was born on a Friday the 13th, and on my dad’s birth date as well. I’ve always treasured the number 13 as a lucky one, but not everyone does. There are times when I’ve had to tell my birth date to a clerk and they back away like I’ve been cursed. I’ve heard everything from, “So that’s what’s wrong with you”, to... Read more

October 28, 2015

Several years back I was invited to do a motivational speaking event with a sprinkle of readings. The event was held at a large expo center that was currently housing several meetings and conferences besides for the one I was attending. One of those conferences, directly across the hall from where I was sitting with a sign that largely said – Kristy Robinett – Psychic Medium & Life Coach, was a conference hosted by Michigan’s Governor and the center was... Read more

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