December 30, 2013

We start the new year with a New Moon. You have the ability to set intentions and create as much magic as you want for the upcoming year. A New Moon, or Dark Moon, since you actually won’t see any moon, occurs once a month, or sometimes twice (which is the case for January). The New Moon is the darkest phase of the Moon, but it also marks the beginning of the two-week time frame when the Moon moves away from the... Read more

December 29, 2013

A new year typically begins with advertisements on becoming ‘a new you’. Whether it weight loss products, gyms, fitness equipment, or updates from your Facebook friend who just got a new juicer and is positive that this will be the change she/he’s been wanting, only for a week later for that person to be checking in at Burger King or Instagramming a photo of the biggest plate of nachos you’ve ever seen. You don’t need a new you, because you... Read more

December 15, 2013

Whether you’ve experienced a divorce, the end of a friendship or the loss of a loved one, the holidays can make the missing even more painful. Instead of feeling jolly, a pasted smile with a sense of dread and sadness is the norm. Those that have never encountered this type of a heart ache just won’t get it, but those that have, it can be debilitating. Whether the loss happened ten years ago, or two weeks ago, it hurts and... Read more

December 3, 2013

I’m typically against making predictions (you can see my post from last year here where I say that), but over the last few days I have had more and more visions in my nighttime sleep that I can’t seem to shake. I asked my guides and angels what I could do about them. After all, if they are premonitions maybe I can prevent something from happening. And that is exactly why I am posting these predictions. I am hoping I... Read more

December 3, 2013

Above are 5 cards from Doreen Virtue’s Life Purpose Oracle.  The back’s are all the same, but by using your intuition, choose one of the cards that calls most to you. Take a deep breathe in and out. Don’t second guess yourself – just choose. We all have intuition. Every single one of us. It doesn’t mean that you have to hang up a flashy ‘Psychic’ sign on your office door, but you can if you want. Intuition comes from within... Read more

December 2, 2013

Happy New Moon! The Moon is in Sagittarius – Monday, December 2nd at 7:22 p.m. EST. New moons are your time to manifest what you want in your life. This is a time to have self-confidence and go after what calls to you even if you don’t know how it will happen. It is a time of taking chances, having faith and believing! This moon in particular is best for: Travel or scheduling travel Exploring new perspectives and ideas Registering... Read more

November 25, 2013

As I watch over you, I see you missing me. I wish I could wipe your tears and comfort you, my dear. The angels tell us that the holidays are the worst for you on earth. Memories of the past, happy and sad times, it feels so long ago and yet like yesterday when we last spoke. With no time here in Heaven, it is often hard for me to understand the concept anymore. I try to send you signs... Read more

November 21, 2013

It was about seven years ago when I received the phone call from a woman claiming to be Sylvia Browne. At first I doubted it was a legitimate call, but it was hard to not recognize her voice. We had previously been called on by the police for a missing person’s case. Because she had more celebrity clout, I guess you could say, she was taken more seriously than I was and she called to talk to me after the... Read more

November 19, 2013

With the upcoming holiday season, we often forget to make it a restful and relaxing one. Instead we get caught up in making sure that everything is perfect, from our outfits, to the food, to the gifts. And then there is the worry about how to afford it all. Resting and having fun have been two things that seem to have taken a back seat in many people’s lives, especially during the holiday season.  I know that I am guilty of not... Read more

November 14, 2013

As the days shorten and turn darker, many find themselves tackling the blues. Even small things seem so huge to tackle the smallest issues look like large hurdles. The more that you focus on that, the more you feel as if you are surrounded by bad luck, when in actuality it is actually negative energy that can cause life to turn upside down, or at least feel that way. Depression, fear, anger, arguments, psychic vampires (negative people), sadness, unhappiness, etc... Read more

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