065: How to Answer Popular Challenges to Our Faith (w/ John DeRosa)

065: How to Answer Popular Challenges to Our Faith (w/ John DeRosa) June 24, 2020

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I’m joined by returning guest John DeRosa. John is the host of the Classical Theism Podcast and the author of a new book out from Catholic Answers Press called One Less God Than You: How to Answer the Slogans, Cliches, and Fallacies That Atheists Use to Challenge Our Faith.

We talk about some of the most popular challenges to belief in God, the Christian faith, and Catholicism in particular. John gives us some fantastic tools to use to defend our faith and some great resources for digging deeper. This is a great episode for anyone interested in learning how to speak intelligently, listen graciously, and defend their beliefs!

For more from John visit his website Classical Theism and check out his podcast, available everywhere!

His fantastic new book is available from Catholic Answers Press.

For more, visit The Cordial Catholic. Send your feedback to cordialcatholic@gmail.com.

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