233: The Power of Good Catholic Witnesses (w/ Talia Kruze)

233: The Power of Good Catholic Witnesses (w/ Talia Kruze) January 10, 2024

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic, I’m joined by Talia Kruze, a wife, mother, mental health coach, and a convert to the Catholic faith to talk about her absolutely incredible journey of conversion to the Catholic faith.

The theme throughout Talia’s journey is the effect of good Catholic witnesses. Beginning when her own sister converted to Catholicism after the witnesses of the good Catholics she met at university, Talia’s story is full of other Catholics sharing the faith in rich and meaningful ways, leading Talia (and other members of her family!) to become Catholic.

Whether it was a Catholic university community, her experience discerning religious life, the diagnosis of a mental illness, or her incredible encounter and friendship with Father Mike Schmitz, Talia’s story is one of the powerful impact of living out your Catholic faith in earnest – and how living that life can truly change the lives of others!

For more from Talia check out her website or follow her on Instagram.

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