210: I Was Going to be an Anglican Priest, then I Became Catholic (w/ Leeanne Thomas)

210: I Was Going to be an Anglican Priest, then I Became Catholic (w/ Leeanne Thomas) June 21, 2023

In this episode,  I’m joined by Leeanne Thomas to talk about her amazing and seemingly unlikely journey into the Catholic Church. Raised in a small Mennonite town in Northern Canada Leeanne journeyed through Charismatic Christianity, into a deep love for theology and the liturgy, and finally onto a pathway to ordination into the Anglican priesthood before deciding that she ultimately had to become Catholic.

Leeanne’s journey is fascinating as she discovers her love for liturgical living while working on a degree at a charismatic Bible college, her calling to the priesthood, and her ultimate struggle with teaching authoritatively from a theological landscape, in Anglicanism, that seemed to accept all points of view.

Plus, her discovery of the Early Church, her realization of the importance of the Pope, and her conversations with her husband, Dr. Matthew Thomas, a guest of this show, all figure into her amazing story.

Be sure to check out the earlier appearances by her husband, and fellow convert, Dr. Matthew J. Thomas in our show archives.

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"He didn't tell the CATHOLIC church that! He was talking about HIS Church!!!"

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"That was a wonderful discussion. She seems like a woman who is at total peace."

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