Announcing The Cordial Catholic Podcast!

Announcing The Cordial Catholic Podcast! April 4, 2019

Dear friends, I didn’t set out to create a podcast this week. It kind of just happened.

A friend and I have been working to get a podcast together for over a year now. Last week, we recorded our first episode and I spent the following few days editing, mixing, and putting it all together. It was fun, and I couldn’t believe how much I’d enjoyed the process. There was something so intimate about sitting behind a microphone and just chatting about the faith.

I had a blast.

And it occurred to me that maybe I could do some podcasting on my own too. I already had a simple studio set up. I was already practicing how to podcast with my friend so… why not?

Suddenly I went from having no podcasts to having two.

I’ve worked hard, for the past five years, to become what I hope is a valuable voice in the larger Catholic culture. I’ve carved out a small niche, and a dedicated following, explaining what the Church teaches, unpacking difficult doctrine, and asking informative and interesting questions. I hope this is mostly true. In any case, I’ve really enjoyed the ride, and I’m excited to be able to expand my orbit just a little further with a podcast.

I do love podcasts.

I wrote, several years ago now, about how important one particular podcasting priest was to my own conversion. It was the intimacy of his strangely-accented, passionately Catholic voice in my ear every week that led me closer and closer to the Catholic Church. It was an intimacy that I invited onto my iPod (this was before smartphones!) every week, an intimacy I welcomed, in a way that the written word isn’t always able to achieve.

The difference is someone in your ear. It’s an interesting closeness that I know I definitely experience when I listen to certain podcasts—and I listen to a lot.

Often, as I’m making supper I’ll be listening to a Catholic lecture, or an interesting interview about theology and philosophy and our son, at age three, will pipe up, “He’s talking about Jesus!” or, “That person is talking about baptism!”

It fills me up deeply to think that he is getting something about of the podcasting medium too. That those key phrases are jumping out at him.

And, I like to think that maybe you’d like to invite me into your life in the same way. I’d be happy to occupy some space in your ear.

I’m targeting the podcast, as I’ll say, towards non-Catholicsnew Catholics, and those who are curious about their faith. That covers a lot of bases, and I want it to, but it isn’t intending to go too deep. I want to podcast like I write; I want to unpack difficult doctrine, interesting questions—I already have some fascinating people lined up to interview—and to talk richly about the faith.

I’d like it to be something you can share with your non-Catholic friends and families.

I imagine it’ll be something parishes could share with new Catholic converts, too.

When I sat down at my computer the record the first episode it felt like “a God thing.” Everything just came together, and I liked the end result very much. Maybe I’m wrong, and it’s rubbish, but maybe it’s something good and, by His grace, together we can make it great.

You can subscribe on iTunes, Google Play Music, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, or anywhere else you get fine podcasts.

To listen to the podcast right now, without downloading, you can visit the podcast website directly.

Please, tell your friends and family, share it around as much as you can, and let’s see, together, what happens with this funny new thing.

Thank you, dear friends, for reading, listening, sharing, and most of all, for your ongoing prayers.

Deo Gratias!

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