The Complete Works of Carl Jung (UPDATED)

The Complete Works of Carl Jung (UPDATED) November 5, 2012

[UPDATE 6/16/15: Jung’s Collected Works can now be downloaded from]

Christmas has come early for this Jungian Pagan.  I have been on the hunt for Jung’s writings on the Internet and have not met with much luck … until now.  Finding certain publications by Jung is very easy, but Jung was a prolific writer.  His Collected Works span 18 volumes, not including the bibliography and general index.  While it is easy to lay hands on collections of excerpts of Jung’s writings, like The Portable Jung, The Basic Writings of C.G. Jung, and so on, a complete set of his Collected Works is not easy to find.  And his Collected Works does not include everything he wrote.  There are also two volumes of letters, the quasi-autobiography entitled Memories, Dreams, Reflections, his Red Book, interviews collected in C.G. Jung Speaking, and numerous other letters and essays, both published and unpublished.  So far, I have been unable to find a reliable and complete bibliography of Jung’s writings.  In spite of the incompleteness and other limitations of the Collected Works (see Sonu Shamdasani, “The Incomplete Works of Jung”, in Who Owns Jung?, ed. Anne Casement (2007)), any serious student of Jung needs a copy, and until now I have not had mine.  But I found a link with six .rar files which contain all 20 volumes of the Collected Works in .rtf and .pdf format.  And the .rft (rich text format) documents are searchable.  This is like Christmas for me.

There are some Jungian books I still want hard copies of:

The Red Book, ed. Sonu Shamdasani (I’ve been relying on this electronic copy and it’s just not the same, especially because of the artwork.)

Psychology and Religion by Jung (I want a cheap hard copy I can mark up.)

Jung Stripped Bare: By his biographers, even by Sonu Shamdasani

A Guided Tour of the Collected Works by Robert Hopcke (to complement my recent discovery of the electronic copy of the collected works)

The Sungod’s Journey through the Netherworld: Reading the Ancient Egyptian Amduat by Andreas Schweizer (from a Jungian perspective)

Other books I want to check out are:

Who Owns Jung? ed. Anne Casement

Lament of the Dead: Psychology after Jung’s Red Book by John Hillman and Sonu Shamdasani (to be published August 2013).

On Behalf of the Mystical Fool: Jung on the religious situation by John Dourley (my favorite interpreter of Jung)

Growing Up Jung: Coming of age as the son of two shrinks by Micah Toub (I read the first chapter of this and it was good.)

Psyche and Matter by Marie-Louise von Franz (one of Jung’s students and one of his the first interpreters)

Jung: A journey of transformation by Vivianne Crowley (a Pagan author)

Edge of the Sacred: Jung, psyche, earth by David Tacey (another great interpreter of Jung, who is highly critical of the New Age appropriation of Jung)

Journeys Into Emptiness: Dogen, Merton, Jung and the quest for transformation by Robert Gunn

Individuation and the Absolute: Hegel, Jung, and the path toward wholeness by Sean Kelly

Nietzsche and Jung: The whole self in the union of opposites by Lucy Huskinson

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