Quote: Intellect in service to wonder

Quote: Intellect in service to wonder March 27, 2013

My posts tend to run a little long.  So, I’ve decided to start a thought-provoking quote series.  I’ll just be sharing the quote, with little to no commentary in the post, but feel free to comment and I’d be happy to discuss the quote in the comments with anyone who is interested.

This week’s quote comes from James Hollis, one of my favorite Jungian authors.

“The theologian Paul Tillich once observed that the chief curse of our time is not that we are evil, though often we are, but that we are banal, superficial.  The recovery of depth will never come through an act of intellect, unless that intellect is in service to wonder.

— James Hollis, The Archetypal Imagination

(Note: As it is used above, the word “depth” is synonymous with meaning or meaningfulness.)

I think this might be a good slogan for religious naturalism: “intellect in service to wonder”.

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