1. Because I’m a human being …
and I feel the pain of other human beings who have suffered isolation, discrimination, intolerance, and violence for loving the “wrong” people.
2. Because I’m a friend of people who are homosexual …
and even Dick Cheney supports same sex marriage when someone he cares about is lesbian.
3. Because I’m a heterosexual male …
4. Because I’m a father …
and a step toward destigmatizing homosexuality also means that, just maybe, the next time one schoolboy calls another “faggot”, the stigma will land where it should … back on the boy who said it.
5. Because I’m a progressive …
and the imp in me enjoys every opportunity for social conservatives to make asses out of themselves.
6. Because I’m a graduate from kindergarten …
7. Because I’m a lawyer …
and it’s good to see the legal system work sometimes.
8. Because I’m a former Mormon …
and it’s about time that Prop 8 came around and bit the LDS Church in the ass.
9. Because I’m a Pagan …
and marriage equality is a no-brainer for Pagans.
10. Because I’m an American …
and gods-damnit, I am proud of it today!