Nine Lessons for New Converts/Reverts to Islam

Nine Lessons for New Converts/Reverts to Islam June 18, 2013

6. Don’t be a groupie

Never subscribe to any single imām, scholar, or organization as the ultimate authority and source of knowledge, and stay away from people who tell you to do so.  There are kooks and cults within the Muslim community, and your innocent, convert face makes you a perfect follower.  This isn’t to say that most people are going to ask you to drink poisoned Kool-Aid at the next halaqah or join a terrorist cell at the mosque, but every Muslim follows some sort of “flavor” of Islam that they believe is right, and most haven’t been exposed academically to other ideas and materials.

Even within conservative Islam, there are varying opinions on many subjects, and the best scholars and imams are those who acknowledge those differences respectfully.  Be wary of imams and scholars who are quick to put down others, who insult, and who promote their teachings and opinions as “correct” with a disdain for those who are “incorrect.”  What most people don’t realize is that these types of people are everywhere, not just in the Salafi community.  They are Ṣūfis, Ḥanafis, and Progressives too.  Every sect within Islam has its extremists.  Stay away from all of them.

Also, keep in mind that if you have a question you want answered, talk to a shaykh or imām who understands your particular scenario, preferably one who has a great deal of experience with American issues and converts.  Avoid “Shaykh Google” if you can.  A good rule of thumb is to seek religious advice or rulings only from someone who is very familiar with your society and circumstances.

Next: You’re no one’s “trophy” Muslim.

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