On to China

On to China July 18, 2009

More quickly than I ever could have expected, my week in LA has passed. Today I’m off to China.

Facebook and/or Twitter may be blocked there, but hopefully blogger and gmail will be up and running, so feel free to comment and email away. I’ll meet up with Jolie, a fellow participant in the program, this morning at LAX, which is great. Then in Shanghai we meet Liza right off the plane. We’ve all noted being a bit nervous for the trip. Despite all three being well-seasoned travelers, Jolie having been to Asia several times now, we all feel a new and slightly odd sense of unease…

But we’re also all shrugging it off, obviously, and marching onward.

Okay, time to go! Looking forward to sharing more soon!!

On the back deck of my sister’s place.
Buddha’s belly: My belly.

Somebody needs to write a haiku about less red wine and more time on the treadmill. Any volunteers?

Bamboo and Buddha Head Fountain.
Metropolitan Water District of Los Angeles, where my former professor and boss is the Ethics Officer and my old friend is Ethics Educator.
Remember “Big”?

Larger versions of these and more here.

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