Happy Pavarana from Bodhgaya

Happy Pavarana from Bodhgaya October 8, 2014

This full moon is an especially significant one in Buddhism, and we spent the late afternoon and moon-rise (around 5:15pm) at the Japanese Temple practicing Soto Zen. After the practice we emerged to see this:full moon in Bodhgaya

It must have been just the last moments of the eclipse.

These are busy times, I’m afraid, so I’ll offer you just this image and a couple clippings from around the web to tell you more about Pavarana:

Pavarana is a Buddhist holy day celebrated on Aashvin full moon of the lunar month. It marks the end of the 3 lunar months of Vassa, sometimes called “Buddhist Lent.” This day marks the end of the rainy season in some Asian countries like Thailand, where Theravada Buddhism is practiced. On this day, each monk (Pali: bhikkhu) must come before the community of monks (Sangha) and atone for an offense he may have committed during the Vassa. (wiki)

And thus kicks off Kathina, a time of offerings from the lay community toward monastics:

Kathina is a Buddhist festival which comes at the end of Vassa, the three-month rainy season retreat for Theravada Buddhists.The season during which a monastery may hold a Kathina festival is one month long, beginning after the full moon of the eleventh month in the Lunar calendar (usually October).

It is a time of giving, for the laity to express gratitude to monks. Lay Buddhists bring donations to temples, especially new robes for the monks. (wiki)

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