A Modern Day Parable…

A Modern Day Parable… August 8, 2018

It’s a Modern Day Parable of Sorts…

Yeah. Someone literally cut it down when it started to get over 15,000 followers on Instagram.

Usually there are excuses; usually, these people are able to somehow conjure up BS to justify their cutting down of others. But, in this instance, these inanimate objects have done nothing to them except, exist. It’s not like they used these trees for the betterment of humankind; it’s that they…

Well, that’s where I’m at a loss; I can’t find any legitimate excuse here… And, you might be thinking, “Andy, this is one single instance, it’s the exception…”

Nope. As John Green points out in a recent video of his:

“The Joshua Tree from the U2 cover, gone; the sacred golden spruce tree in BC, gone; the oldest tree in the world somewhere in California is kept secret… because we all know what would happen.”

It’s so far bad that it’s seemed to be normalized and embedded into our everyday culture.

It just is what it is…

But, call me an optimist, I personally don’t believe it has to stay this way…

There’s no need for any form of existential crisis; as much as the world wants to convince us of the lie that “everything is meaningless…” Nope, not everything is meaningless; what’s meaningless, is what so much of the world chooses to throw at us; all of that is what makes life feel meaningless.

It’s just that our lives have become so far cluttered with meaningless shit; like the MSM, it seeps into society and we find it on social media and within our day to day lives.

Ask yourself today, “What brings me life?”

And, once you’ve figured out the answer to that then go and do whatever it is that brings you life. Feel like you don’t have time for that? Then start with figuring out what doesn’t bring you life and cut that out by replacing it with what does bring you life.

[check back tomorrow where I’ll be talking more about this and how “A decade is not a recuperative period of time…” until then, if you prefer my other posts more on church and theology then just hit me up on Facebook]

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