Worship snobbery, it far too many times leaves the “non-educated” Music lovers feeling nothing but shame and guilt; of course, depending on its delivery, sometimes even drives fear… Hearing this message enough, it can even go so far as not just making innocent bystanders believe that their feeling emotionally connected to God is somehow in the wrong but, making them think this music is the problem – i.e. shallow, untrue, or sinful (The big word worship leaders have previously used is “hedonistic” – again, I wouldn’t even know what this word was, if it weren’t for worship leaders and pastors condemning us for being this).
In a roundabout way, this form of snobbery comes across as “classist.” Similar to those “grammar Nazis” that make fun of people on Twitter, FB, or in comment sections (**cough cough**), etc. simply for not knowing the difference between “there and their.”
You see, there’s this ignorant lack of consideration, or understanding, that maybe some were not afforded the same quality of education as themselves. And, maybe they grew up in the same school as yourself but didn’t have the same privilege to study and read for hours; because, (again, just maybe) they were too busy providing for their burdened single-mother who’s working three jobs and still can’t afford to make rent, let alone put food on the table (a good book on this is “How Children Succeed” by Paul Tough).
Furthermore, some of us, come to Sunday exhausted, weak, beat up, and weary… these forms of emotionality offer us a healthy, however temporary, form of liberation; they offer us hope; they offer us energy; they refill our tanks just enough so that we can go back into the next week and continue “tent making”; despite how little we make and how much we’re under appreciated.
Theologically I’m progressive; EMOTIONALLY speaking, I’m still pentecostal. #justsayin
— andy gill (@itsandygill) September 20, 2016
Are congregants not allowed to feel good? If a congregant does enjoy worship does this make them hedonistic?
The last thing we want is to feel shame for liking Hillsong.
Lastly, it’s just outright judgemental… the fact of the matter is, we don’t know where someone is at in life; even those we might see every day. Just as I don’t understand the persistent focus on “hedonistic worship,” however subtle or blatant it might be; clearly, neither does this particular worship leader, or snob, understand where these supposed hedonists are coming from. Calling them hedonists is disgusting in and of itself.
On the brighter side of things, for us self-proclaimed intellects, can we not find pleasure in some of the most simplistic forms of nature?
Some of the most simplistically basic things are the best f&%$ing creations God has gifted this world and our very lives with.
- Steak, seasoned with just a pinch of salt & pepper.
- Symmetry. Literally, just organized “-ish” parallel to one another.
- Anyone of earth’s basic elements.. If you’re laughing and scoffing, then you haven’t experienced a warm summers night gazing out at a lakefront; listening to the sound of the water, or watching the moon’s light reflecting off of that -ish.
- Similarly, on top of all of this simplistically amazing -ish, there’s the four infamous chords, popularized by Chris Tomlin himself: G, E, D, & C.
It begs the question: how high can one’s “intelligent quotient” actually be if one cannot find wonder within simplicity?
Pulpit Bullying…
I’ve never felt confident enough to articulate all of this but…