My Thoughts on Homosexuality

My Thoughts on Homosexuality February 14, 2014

I’ve ignored the “topic of homosexuality” most of my life. I chose to ignore it because I didn’t really see Jesus speak about it much in the New Testament. Though I do see Jesus speaking towards loving the marginalized, ostracized, and anyone else who has been rejected by the religious.

I can’t ignore the fact that, for some reason or another, the church has chosen to marginalize those within the LGBT community. Since I started posting and writing on this issue I’ve seen a flood of emails asking me, where I stand on the issue, is it “bad”? Do I believe those who “struggle” with homosexuality are an “abomination”? Am I, myself, gay? etc. etc. etc.

I haven’t responded to many of these emails, but yesterday I received an email from a follower on Twitter, and for some reason or another I engaged with it, with his permission, I asked if I could share it with you guys, but overall, I loved his questions, his personal struggle and desire to love family and friends who are within the LGBT community, I answer many if not all of the questions in which I’ve been emailed in one way or another, I hope no matter who you are, you feel encouraged by this:






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