10 KINDS of Moms that INSPIRE Me to be a Better Mom

10 KINDS of Moms that INSPIRE Me to be a Better Mom January 29, 2016


As mothers, we all have our strengths and weaknesses.  We usually have more than one strength, but I believe each of us possess a slice of mommy wisdom that stands out from the rest.  Over the years, I’ve learned a lot from watching my friends navigate motherhood with their unique strengths, and it’s made me a better mom.

No two mothers are exactly the same.  We all come from different backgrounds and upbringings.  We have husbands or no husband at all.  We live in the city, the suburbs, or out in the country.  We work outside the home, we work from home, and we work in the home.

I love the diversity.

Sometimes, I stand in awe of my various mom friends, and think, “Why can’t I be like her?”.  But, then I remember…I am my own kind of mother–made for my four boys.  Perfectly imperfect for each one of them (read “Confessions of a Crazy Mom” for more on this).  And, I’ve got my own set of strengths…and weaknesses.

Even so, I’ve learned a thing or two from moms that do things a little differently than me.  They help me to see things from a different perspective, and this makes me BETTER at mothering–when I allow it to.  So, here are 10 kinds of moms that make me a better mom:

1.  The Label-Maker Mama

This mom is one who loves labeling everything.  She is a master-organizer and color codes everything from clothes to crayons.  If you ask her where something is, you bet your bottom dollar she knows exactly where to find it…and all the accessories you need with it.  She challenges me to see organization as my friend.  She reminds me that taking the time to organize my things will ultimately give me more time to do more of what I love with those that I love.  I’m thankful for this mom in my life.


2.  The Planner Mom

This mom always knows what’s on the agenda for the day–because she made the agenda.  She is a leader and great at event planning.  This lady is the room mom–or better yet–President of the PTA.  Whenever I have a question about a school event, I can always count on her.  With four kiddos and four different schedules to manage, I need to be more like this momma more than ever.  But, thankfully, she’s always there to remind me about the field trips and homework project due dates.


3.  The Free Spirit Mama

I long to be more like this mom, because she has fun with her kids wherever she takes them.  They could be in a doctor’s waiting room, and she will come up with an interesting and fun game to entertain them while they wait.  If the baby is snot-faced and crying, she’s not rattled.  She just wipes the nose and breastfeeds the baby–cover or not.  She does what needs to be done and shakes off what anyone else thinks.   I LOVE that about this mom.  She embraces her kiddos for who they are…not who she wants them to be.


4.  The All Natural Mom

This mom takes a shower, puts on some comfortable clothes, fixes her hair into a bun, applies some lip balm, and is out the door.  She radiates with natural beauty.  She doesn’t like makeup, but she loves essential oils and probably  has an oil for any and every ailment.  This mom has her own vegetable garden and frequently makes fresh meals with them…and shares the extra veggies with her friends and neighbors.  She is environmentally conscious and only likes to buy organic products and foods for her family.  I love how this mom is amazing at educating other moms on the natural options that are at our fingertips.  She inspires me to think about what I use to clean my home and what kinds of products I use on my skin.  And, I always like it when she teaches me how to make my own sugar scrubs, soaps, and candles.


5.  The Creative Mom

This mama can make almost anything with her hands, and she’s always thinking outside the box.  When it comes to her kid’s birthday parties, she knocks it out of the park.  From the food, to the decorations, to the cake, to the goodies bags–she always makes her guests feel special and like they have escaped to another land.  It’s awesome.  She makes jewelry, clothes, artistic pieces, pottery–you name it and she can usually make it.  She challenges me to broaden my own creativity, and she inspires her kids to foster their imaginations.


6.  The Handy Mom

I’d love for this mama to make me a harvest table.   This mom knows her way around a tool shed, and her favorite kinds of gifts are those that fit in her tool belt.  She’s not afraid to get dirty, and she loves the smell of saw dust.  She pretty much built her kids’ bunk beds, and she’s always got a home improvement project going on.  Instead of buying a new piece of furniture, she’d much rather refinish it or build it herself.  She’s a hardworking, self-taught mama who always has a drill close by.  I wish I had her skills…and tool collection.


7.  The Honest Mommy

Ever have one of those days when you feel like you are the ONLY one whose kids are nuts?  Well, have no fear, the honest mom will help you to regain your sanity every time.  This mom has a way of relating to just about every one.  She’s refreshingly raw about the hardships of motherhood.  She encourages us to have faith and count our blessings.  She never shames those whose kiddos are less-than-perfect.  Instead, she grabs your hand, looks you in the eye, and says, “Been there, Sweet Mama.  This is hard right now, but it will get better.”.


8.  The Fit Mom

This mom is full of energy.  When she found out she was pregnant, her first purchase was a running stroller.   This mom looks amazing, and she works hard for it.  She loves exercising and even teaches aerobics classes.  This mama makes her kiddos kale shakes in the morning and even convinces them to go on a family jog after dinner.  She invites her friends and family to workout with her.    She’d rather walk with a friend than go out to lunch.  Her smile and confidence are infectious, and she challenges me to be more health conscious–not just to look better, but to FEEL better.  This mom is a natural born encourager and cheerleader, and she’s a great friend to have in your corner.

Struggling with this?  Read “5 Things to do when your spouse wants to get healthy but you want to eat pizza”, by clicking here.

9.  The Punctual Mom

I need to pick this mama’s brain.  She’s never late and usually a little early.  This mom lays out clothes the night before and sets multiple alarms to make sure everyone gets up on time.  She has a set of snacks, coloring books, and child-friendly electronics in the car, so she can keep the kids happy getting from place to place or while they wait…since they arrive early wherever they go.  And, she’s always eager to share these prep packs with other moms who failed to plan and are running late…like me.


10.  The Thankful Mama

This mama longed to have children for years and years.  She struggled to find the ONE…to get pregnant…to sustain her pregnancy.  After years of wondering if she’d ever hear someone call her “Mom”, it happened.  And, she exudes thankfulness for every single moment–like motherhood is a dream come true.  And, honestly, I need more of her in my life, and I crave her perspective.

Motherhood IS a dream come true.  It’s a privilege and a calling.  Every moment–even the messy, loud, chaotic, exhausting, irritating, and well, downright looney tunes moments–are a gift. It’s good to be reminded of this truth from time to time.

Instead of feeling threatened by each other or judging one another (read “Mommy Wars” for more), let’s choose to learn from each other’s strengths.  Our families–and the world as a whole–benefit when we become better mothers.  Let’s do this, Sweet Mamas.

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seven laws book

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