How to Stand for What’s Right in Your Marriage

How to Stand for What’s Right in Your Marriage January 22, 2019

The First 48 Hours

Those first 48 hours after I left Adam were pivotal for our marriage. They defined who we were going to be moving forward. When I told him I was leaving, I wasn’t sure we were going to stay married. I was terrified to see how he was going to respond, not knowing if he would be angry with me. I felt as if I took a leap off of a cliff not knowing if there were going to be pillows or sharp nails at the bottom. This step was asking Adam to come with me on a journey to healing, but realizing that he had to make a choice too. He could choose not to. I was opening myself up to rejection. I was desperately hoping that he valued me and our marriage enough to change, but I was taking a risk.

The idea of setting some firm boundaries can be scary for anyone in tough situations. Taking a stance to move toward a healthier relationship can be terrifying. However, being in a marriage, which is supposed to be a team effort, can be a horrible burden when we feel isolated and trapped…

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