December 8, 2015

I recently wrote a post called “5 Reasons Why I ask for my Husband’s PERMISSION”, and I received a huge response from those unabashedly for it and those passionately against it.  Although I am a big proponent for both spouses asking each others’ permission before making most decisions, I want to point out that this requires a delicate balance.  Asking for each other’s permission is a healthy communication tactic in marriage, but it can certainly go wrong when the couple misuses... Read more

December 3, 2015

A friend once asked me if we could get together for a girls night out, and I naturally replied as I always do to these invitations, “I’d love to!  Let me ask Dave first, and I will let you know…”  My friend rolled her eyes and laughed under her breath as she replied, “Really?  You need your husband’s permission?  Gah.  My husband and I never ask for permission.  I just do my thing.  And, he does his thing.” (more…) Read more

November 30, 2015

Everybody talks about it — the “must-have” of the day…the week…the season.  This time of year, many of us go CRAZY to get that important item that we just can’t live without.  The television tells us.  Social media shows us.  It’s up close and in our faces.  These kind of must-haves are just things that will without a doubt be replaced by the next, hottest must-have item of the following season.  There are certainly some must-haves for our marriage too.... Read more

November 19, 2015

On our wedding day, one of the promises we make to our spouse is to be with him/her and “in sickness and in health”.  It’s something we say but don’t really ponder for long because our wedding day is supposed to be happy, right?  So, what does it really look like to live out this vow? (more…) Read more

November 17, 2015

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day, and she shared a personal struggle that she and her husband are going through with me.  She said that although her husband is devoted and kind to her, serves at church with her, and even buys her thoughtful gifts, she just can’t get past this one hurdle in their relationship.  And, he can’t seem to get past it either.  It’s starting to affect their otherwise amazing relationship, and their... Read more

November 11, 2015

Raising kids is a blessing and a privilege, but it can take a HUGE toll on our marriage if we aren’t careful.  We must resist the status quo of putting our marriage “on hold” or on “autopilot” while raising our kids.  It simply doesn’t work, and here’s why. (more…) Read more

November 10, 2015

I think we can all agree that cheating on your spouse is a BAD thing.    We often only equate cheating with adultery, or sexual infidelity–the most devastating form of cheating in a marriage.   However, there are many more subtle ways that we cheat on our spouse every day, and we must recognize these destructive behaviors before it’s too late. (more…) Read more

November 5, 2015

Friends play an extremely important role in our lives, and this remains true after we’re married as well.  We need to cultivate good, true, loyal, and honest friendships that not only bring out the best in us but also bring out the very best in our marriage. (more…) Read more

November 3, 2015

A few months ago, my husband, Dave, and I were totally at odds with our kids. Day after day, we would be getting everyone ready for bed and see that the two older boys, ages 8 and 10, had been careless with their chores.  This had become a terrible cycle. (more…) Read more

November 3, 2015

So many times, I hear wives complaining about their husbands always wanting to have sex.  Friends, I have been there too. (more…) Read more

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