3 Things to Do When You’re Disappointed By Your Spouse

3 Things to Do When You’re Disappointed By Your Spouse December 13, 2017

2 When You’re Disappointed By Your Spouse Shaunti Feldhahn

#1 Put yourself in their shoes—just for a moment

While it’s completely okay to be disappointed, I encouraged this woman to try to look over the day from his point of view before she assumed he didn’t care. Might it be that he wasn’t simply ignoring a much-needed opportunity to be together? Might it be that he wasn’t being a jerk and not caring enough? Instead, could it be that the months of overtime and a long move took a toll, and he was just wiped out?

Granted, he didn’t pick the best time to catch up on his sleep, but chances are that he was looking forward to the bike ride and the night out as much as she was. Keep in mind, too, that he was helping a buddy move, not out carousing on the town. It is totally understandable that she would want him to spend his precious, non-overtime hours on her, but it is also worth acknowledging that he was doing something generous for someone else. In other words – he sounds like a generous man. Perhaps she could decide to be generous, too. Which leads to our second point.

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