When Your Husband Wants Sex…Again

When Your Husband Wants Sex…Again January 10, 2018

1 love-and-laughter-how-humor-can-ease-relationship-tension Shaunti Feldhahn

2. “I love you and want to be closer to you.”  We women want to feel close outside the bedroom in order to feel close inside the bedroom. But for many men, when they feel tension in the air, when there’s distance, when they know something’s just not right… they miss their wife. For a man’s biological chemistry, in fact, sex is one of the only times that his brain releases oxytocin, the bonding hormone, which brings a great feeling of closeness with someone.  When he reaches for you, you may think, I cannot believe he would want sex now, when we’re at odds/fighting/distant. But instead, realize: he’s reaching for you in order to get back that feeling of closeness with you that he is longing for.

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