3 Things Every Boy Needs to Hear from His Mom

3 Things Every Boy Needs to Hear from His Mom February 12, 2018

Can anyone relate to that feeling of whiplash when you realize your little boy has suddenly become a teenager? How did that happen? When did “snips and snails and puppy-dogs’ tails” turn into “phones and midterms and social outings with friends?” It seems as if our little boys are growing and maturing at alarming rates. But the truth is—they still need their moms (cue the collective “awwww!”). In more than a decade of research with thousands of men and boys over the years, one thing has stood out: the power of a mom’s words can build up her son or (accidentally) tear him down. Whether your son is five or fifteen, several phrases are a big, big deal.

Here are 3 things every boy needs to hear from his mom:

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