4 Reasons Your Teen Needs You To Be the Parent (Not a Friend)

4 Reasons Your Teen Needs You To Be the Parent (Not a Friend) March 23, 2018

Reason #3: Even Good Kids Do Stupid Things

A third reason to remain the general in command? Even “good kids” need watchful attention and discipline. In our surveys and focus groups, half the teens interviewed fessed up to multiple wrongdoings of drinking, using drugs, sneaking out, engaging in sexual acts, stealing and driving at ridiculously high speeds. And they all considered themselves “good kids.”

As parents, we need to take our blinders off and look closely at our own “good kids.” And remember what life was like when we were their age. What kinds of things did you and your friends do? Think about it: our teens’ brains aren’t even fully developed! They aren’t ready to handle full freedom. So even the best kid needs parents to stay watchful, be aware, be involved in their lives and—as one young lady put it—“not be oblivious.”

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