Are You Measuring His Love By The Size Of Your Diamond?

Are You Measuring His Love By The Size Of Your Diamond? April 9, 2018

The Ring

An engagement ring is something we proudly show our friends and family—let’s face it, just about anyone who is willing to look! It’s a thing of beauty as well as a symbol of commitment, promise, hope, and joy all wrapped up in one item. Our tendency is to see an engagement ring as a reflection of our relationship and our man’s love for us. So it’s easy to look at a woman standing in line at the grocery store wearing impressive diamonds and think, “Her husband must really love her!” On the flip side, disappointment in the engagement ring (or, really, any gift from her man) can cause a woman to question the value he places on her and the relationship. And that’s a concern that can ripple out from the proposal into the relationship and the marriage itself. But the truth is: People can and usually do have different spending priorities without it meaning anything about their feelings toward each other.

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