Are You Measuring His Love By The Size Of Your Diamond?

Are You Measuring His Love By The Size Of Your Diamond? April 9, 2018

Not Knowing The Whole Story

In Sarah’s situation (and maybe yours), it’s possible that her fiancé really doesn’t care enough about her. In which case the issue needs to be addressed before things go any further. But chances are he does love her (and your fiancé loves you) very deeply. And maybe Jason has a reason why he bought those car accessories. Perhaps he’d been saving for them for two years but bought Sarah that diamond ring instead, and promised himself that when he saved another $1,000 he would upgrade the car a bit. Maybe every single day for the last two years, driving the non-upgraded car, he would daydream about the day he would ask her to marry him. That glorious day that demonstrated she loved him, too. But then she (and maybe you) started questioning whether a lack of bling meant a lack of love.

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