Are You Measuring His Love By The Size Of Your Diamond?

Are You Measuring His Love By The Size Of Your Diamond? April 9, 2018

Believing The Best

If this scenario resonates with you, the bottom line is this: you have to decide whether you’re going to believe the best of your man—or the worst. Because marriage will most certainly give you plenty of opportunities to wonder about your husband’s motives, to question his love, and to wrestle with hurt feelings. And when those questions and hurt feelings come, you need to be prepared to remind yourself of one extremely important fact: I know he loves me, and this doesn’t mean otherwise. That one reminder can eliminate many conflicts with your man and can ensure your future as a happy couple, as I’ve learned in my research.

When I was researching the happiest couples, I found that this one action set them apart—and changed their relationships from so-so to sensational. When these spouses are legitimately hurt, they refuse to believe that their mates intended to hurt them, and they look for the most generous explanation instead. They give their mate the benefit of the doubt. Sure, they have disagreements, bad days, grumpy moods, and selfish episodes like anyone else. Which means there are times when they can be callous and insensitive to each other. But they don’t let those things define what they know to be true about the other person’s care and love for them.

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