A Protective Dad In the Wild

A Protective Dad In the Wild May 10, 2018

I know this might seem like it should be a Mother’s Day article… but I’m going to give a shout out to all the wonderful Fathers out there.

Dads, you so often are not recognized as the strong, caring, protective, loving presences that you are. I’ve interviewed so many thousands of you over the years and heard the heart behind the protectiveness. The deep desire to provide for your family.  The tears that surprise you when you think of how your little ones have grown. The love and tenderness that co-exist with incredible strength. And a willingness to lay your life down for your family.

I thought about all those things in a flash as I watched this video. You may have seen it. (10 million of your closest friends have!) An alligator decided to cross an area of land between two bodies of water… right near where a Sandhill Crane family was nesting. Now before you click the link, I want you to imagine a tall bird stepping forward and putting himself in harm’s way with…a CROCODILE! Talk about courage.

And yet, that’s exactly what he did. This is in honor of all you amazing dads out there. Know that your sacrifice and strength are recognized.

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