Men: Here’s the Phrase that Will Make Your Wife Amazingly Happy

Men: Here’s the Phrase that Will Make Your Wife Amazingly Happy May 3, 2018

At a recent marriage conference, a man sidled up to me and began talking while keeping an eye on his wife nearby, clearly trying to ask a question before she noticed.

“So,” he said in a low voice, “I say ‘I love you’ a lot. But it seems to sort of bounce off. It’s like she discounts whether that’s really true because it’s such a common phrase. Is there something I can say to her that won’t just be background noise, so she’ll really hear and understand how much I love her?”

“Why are we talking so quietly?” I whispered. “Because,” he whispered back, “I want to be able to say whatever it is without her thinking, ‘You’re only saying that because she told you to.’’”

Ah. I get it.

Yes, I told him, there is such a phrase. Are you ready? Here it is (drum roll please):

“I’m so glad I’m married to you.”

He seemed a bit puzzled, and you might be too. So I’ll tell you what I then told him.

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