Happy Independence Day? Surprising ways to more intimacy (Part 2 of The Unity Series)

Happy Independence Day? Surprising ways to more intimacy (Part 2 of The Unity Series) July 2, 2020

Happy Independence Day week! 

Independence works well for nations in many ways, but can cause issues in marriage. And we’ve sadly seen in our own nation how easy it is for the United States of America to splinter when the parties within it become their own independent factions instead of fighting for that unity.

So as you celebrate our country’s independence, wouldn’t it be great to celebrate and work for your unity as a couple? As husbands and wives, we long for connection and closeness. Yet in our recently completed research for Thriving in Love and Money found some ways that couples unknowingly sabotage their closeness in one of the big areas of life and marriage: money. 

This is Part 2 of the Unity Series where we look at ways to become more united. In Part 1, we looked at two unity busters of “I want control and to do what I want to do.” Let’s look now at additional ways that we move to independence when what we really want is unity in marriage. 

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