Part 2: Your Husband Just Lost His Job: How to Respond

Part 2: Your Husband Just Lost His Job: How to Respond August 6, 2020

We are facing the greatest time of economic uncertainty in almost 100 years. Our world has experienced many layoffs, and it is entirely possible that many more are coming. 

Although everyone is negatively impacted by a job loss, many women don’t recognize a crucial truth about how it hits men in particular. And yet we need to. Last time in Part 1, we introduced Tip #1 on how to respond and explained a shocking truth running under the surface that will change–should change—how we respond when our husband loses his job. (Or if he’s even worried about it.)

In this Part 2, we’ll tackle Tips #2, #3, and #4 on what that means in practice: what we can actually do at the outset of the journey.

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