The Sex & Conversation Series, Part 1: One Simple Sentence That Will Delight Your Wife

The Sex & Conversation Series, Part 1: One Simple Sentence That Will Delight Your Wife January 26, 2021

One Simple Sentence That Will Delight Your Wife - Shaunti Feldhahn Picture for a moment a twentysomething woman who has recently fallen for a great guy. She can’t believe how amazing he is. Imagine her meeting a friend for coffee the next day and describing the sweet things this incredible guy said and did that made her feel special. Can you picture that “I can’t believe how wonderful he is” look on her face? That delighted tone in her voice? Well, that’s the exact look and tone I saw on the face of a friend recently, talking about her husband of 35 years, and one simple thing he did! He is a normal, average guy, just like any other guy. . . so what action made him such a paragon in her eyes?

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