Flex Your Ability to be Happier

Flex Your Ability to be Happier April 15, 2021

Flex Your Ability to be Happier - Shaunti Feldhahn

What does that look like?

Psychologically flexible people tend to have a few common dynamics:

  • They tend to not get too “triggered” by unwanted feelings and situations,
  • They generally keep a bigger picture mentality, and
  • They try to meet those challenges head-on.

By contrast, those that are psychologically inflexible tend to have one or all of these dynamics:

  • They get wrapped up in something that is worrying or frustrating them,
  • They avoid conflict, and/or
  • They try to control everything.

I’m guessing all of us can see ourselves on both sides of the line. And even beat ourselves up about the ways we are over on the “inflexible” side of the line. (Or be in denial, I suppose. Who me . . . worry? Avoid conflict? Try to control everything? Nah. . . .)
The key is: how can we move more and more of our thoughts and actions back toward psychological flexibility and further and further away from damaging inflexibility?

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